Monday, March 24, 2014

Become Part of Spring's Renewal

Spring began officially on March 20.  Birds are singing in our yard every morning.  A few flowers are blossoming, and trees are budding.  The grass is turning green.  After surviving a cold winter that began with a huge ice-storm, folks in our area are getting outside more on the warm, spring days when the sun is oozing light and warmth.   Spring is happening!  

Every spring, my spirit feels rejuvenated and renewed.  It was in spring that I first submitted to Jesus as my Savior and Master as a teenager.  Later, our pastor told me that people in general are more open to the Holy Spirit’s work in the spring, and that still makes sense to me, over 30 years later.  If God could take a valley of dry, dead bones (Ezekiel 37) and make them into living, breathing people again, God can renew our hearts and souls in the springtime.

During the cold winter months, we stay inside more - kind of like hibernating to some extent, and avoid going out in the frosty weather.  My heart and soul sometimes seem more closed to outside influence from God during the colder months, perhaps because my chronic pain level increases during the cold winter months.  And believe me, I seek the Ultimate Healer through Scripture and prayer when my body aches continually.  

But spring is happening now!  My soul seems like budding and blossoming to God’s nurturing Spirit.  I hope that spring will bring new buds and blossoms from your heart and soul, too.  God is actively renewing his earth and his people, if we are open and sensitive to God’s promptings in our midst.  May God renew you this spring!  “Those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles.  They will run and not get tired.  They will walk and not grow weak.”  (Isaiah 40:31, NIRV)  Pray for God to give you new life, hope, friendship, and peace.  Become part of the spring renewal.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Shine God's Light and Love

I was recently blessed with the opportunity to spend time with a bright young boy, while visiting his grandparents.  When he said he wanted to play a game, I offered to play one with him. His Grandma accidentally brought out a chess game, thinking it was checkers; he said, No, this is the game I wanted.  I was stunned that this boy, only 6-years-old, could play chess, and asked, "Do you know how to play chess?"  He nodded and said, Yeah.  
He then showed me how to set the different pieces on the board.  He said he wanted white pieces; so he got to move first.  As we played, I observed that he knew how to move each of the 6 pieces, that all have different rules on how they can move differently. He understood the basic rules of chess.  After my moves, He examined possible consequences of how my move might affect his.  As the game went on, I encouraged him to consider all his options on his possible moves and tried to coach him a bit.  I was impressed with this child's understanding of this complex game.  After we finished, and I visited and prayed with with him and his grandparents, he politely offered me a piece of chocolate.  I left amazed at his potential, which renewed my hope for the younger generation.

After reflecting on this, every heart and mind has unlimited potential, as that young child does.  God looks past the outward appearance, to see the heart.  God sees whether we love Him with all our hearts (Deuteronomy 6:5, Luke 10:27), or just halfheartedly, or ignore or reject Him.  It's tempting for us to show a good side to others only when we want something from the other person, while ignoring God's Word and Christ's command to love our neighbor as ourselves (Leviticus 19:18, Galatians 5:13-15)   But those who truly love God express their love for others.  They shine as lights in a dark world, as the Master directs us in Matthew 5:14-16.  So often Christians are known for our judgmental attitudes, but it’s more Christ-like to shine God’s love and light.  To God be the glory for all his light in this dark world!