Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Heroism Amidst a Tragedy

On Dec. 14, Adam Lanza shot and killed 21 children and 5 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.  Words are inadequate to describe the horrible loss and grief.  It was a terrible tragedy.

There were two heroes in the midst of the tragedy.  A teacher, Victoria Soto, died after hiding her students in a closet.  Principal Dawn Hochsprung was killed after she’d lunged at the gunman in an attempt to overtake him.  They both sacrificed their lives so that the children they loved and were responsible for, might live.  In doing so, they showed courage in risking their lives for others. 

Another tragedy is playing out in our lives.  God’s creation was made perfect and harmonious, but it has been ruined by humankind’s rebellious sin.  We have rebelled against God’s laws that were intended for our good.  We have cheated, coveted, lied, stolen, defrauded and lived selfishly.  Romans 3:23 says, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”   This is a terrible tragedy in God’s eyes.

God sent His Son Jesus to be born on Christmas, to reveal God’s grace and mercy, and to love sacrificially and give his life as a payment for our sins.  Like the teacher and principle who sacrificed their lives for others, Jesus is a hero because of his love and sacrifice for others.  The question for us on this Christmas, is how will we respond to what Jesus has done for us?  I hope you will join us in bowing our heads before the Christ Child in the manger scene, and thank God for giving up His Son Jesus to be our Hero and save us from our sins.  This will make your Christmas truly merry.

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