Monday, July 16, 2012

Pray for Our Governmental Leaders

Forty years ago, I was a budding teenager who followed political news for the first time.   In the summer of ’72, the media was revealing the connections between President Nixon’s men and a break-in at the Watergate Hotel in D.C.  There were secret grand juries, tape recordings with erased silent spaces, and accusations of lies & cover-up, & a possible impeachment of the president.  It was an unfolding drama that drew my interest.  At least one TV network played the hearings & testimony instead of its usual daytime shows.  Eventually, Pres. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached. 

The Watergate scandal along with the Vietnam War controversy left a weakened national government & presidency that many could no longer trust.  Thus, I was part of a generation that grew up when government leaders could not be trusted.  Almost every U.S. President since then has been investigated for something or other.

Decades later, when 9-11 happened in 2001, the period of patriotism & flag-waving was a new experience for my generation.  Hearing the democrats & republicans sing “God Bless America” together on the steps of the U.S. Capital was previously unthinkable.  The united support for our national leaders after 9-11 was unprecedented in my lifetime.  Like many, we flew the U.S. flag in front of our house for years. 

Now we are in the midst of another election campaign season.  What can we do?  First, the Bible tells us to pray for our governmental leaders.  Having served as a pastor for 20+ years, I know the hurt of people speaking against you, slandering your name with gossip instead of praying for the leader.  Every leader in our society has had to deal with that, which is why many good people don’t want to run for office or step forward to lead.  Pray for our leaders, that they would stand for what is right & against wrong.  Pray that God’s wisdom would guide their decisions.  Pray for those who advise them to give wise counsel.

What should we do when our leaders go astray?  After prayer, let us offer sincere, loving, helpful counsel, and let us pray for those who do this with fallen leaders.  Most leaders are aware of their weaknesses & deal daily with their human sinfulness.  I wrestle with bad decisions I’ve made or words that have hurt or offended others. 

When King David had a man killed because of an immoral affair, God sent Nathan to show him his sin & encourage his confession.  Nathan prayed for David & offered wise counsel that lead to restoration.  Can we do the same for our fallen leaders today?  Can we aim for restoration instead of character assassination? 

Another way to support our leaders is to remember our own sins.  Romans 3 says we have all sinned & fallen short of God’s glory.  In today’s world, there is little, if any grace for leaders.  When did we become a people who look for a leader’s sin & use it against him?  This lack of grace is part of what has destroyed some good leaders.

What can we do to turn things around?  Pray for our leaders.  Offer them wise counsel.  Lighten their burdens by offering to carry part of their load.  Treat them as we want to be treated.

I don’t know if the USA will ever return to being a Christian country.  But you & I are still called to pray for & support our leaders.  Our children’s future depends on this.  God is faithful & gracious.  Let us pray for our leaders.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Whose Hand is Guiding Your Stroller?

It was a touching scene at a Christian convention.  In the space between the seats & the convention hall wall was a mother & toddler standing together.  The little toddler would not be still, as you can imagine.  His Mom let him stand in the stroller, holding its back while he pushed with all the energy he could muster.  He didn’t know where he was going, as his Mom turned the stroller in a different direction.  This could have been a problem except that the loving mother was behind him, close enough to guide the stroller handle whenever it began to move away.

The toddler was free to follow his heart’s desire, with regular correction from his mother to keep him where she wanted him to end up.  So it is with you & me & God.  We are free to follow our heart’s desire, although the Heavenly Father corrects our course.  When one gets humble before God, He lifts that lowly one up.  When one becomes too proud, well, remember that proverb that says pride comes before a downfall.

This raises the question: Who or what is guiding the stroller of your life?  Are you submitting yourself to the Master daily?  Or are your desires & decisions leading you astray? 

Many years ago, I heard & read that money, sex, & power are the 3 main temptations for Christ-followers.  Those 3 things - $$, sex & power – include a lot of temptations, temptations that have led many of us into sin.  If you struggle to identify your sins, try reading the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 or Deuteronomy 5.  Are you loving the Lord with your whole heart and loving your neighbor as yourself?  Do you see yourself as a sinner?  Do you truly need the guidance of the Master?

How can we know that God’s hand is guiding your or my stroller of life?  It’s a matter of faith & trust, & lining up one’s life with the Bible that was inspired by God’s Spirit.  When you feel unsure of God’s will for your life, read relevant Scriptures, bring it to the Master in prayer, and ask a mature Christian for guidance.

Jesus called his followers to become like little children.  That means that we’re not in control; the One who guides our stroller is in charge.  Let the Master steer your stroller of life.

We’re all riding a stroller through life.  Sometimes the ride is as exciting as a roller coaster.  Sometimes it’s a leisurely stroll down a country lane.  You and I will experience more peace & joy when we let the Master steer our stroller.  Put yourself in the Father’s stroller and let the Master steer the stroller of your life.