Monday, February 18, 2013

Will God Judge America?

Sin seems to be so rampant in our society.  Everywhere we turn, we see people acting in selfish, sinful ways.  In Romans 1: 18-28, Paul describes God’s wrath against humanity.  It reaches a climax in verses 29-32: “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;  they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.  Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”

I wonder, does God get tired of our rebellious, deceitful, selfish ways?  Sometimes we think that God’s love and mercy are never-ending.  However, in the last part of the Old Testament, we read of God’s judgment on his beloved people, Israel.  Do we Americans believe that we’re more special than Israel?  For all of my half-century-plus of life, the USA has been a world superpower.  In conversations and news media, I get the impression that many assume that our nation will always be a superpower.  Yet history shows that every great nation, every superpower and empire has come to a downfall, and there are no exceptions. 

Why do we assume that our current nation so special?  Yes, at one time, the US was a Christian nation, but that time ended decades ago.  How many government officials, judges and Supreme Court decisions have made that clear?

If God could judge his special people Israel, I see no reason why God would also eventually judge America.  My heart aches when I observe so many who openly reject God and Christians who take God’s forgiveness for granted.  I hope I’m wrong, and that God will extend his blessings on the USA.  But what will happen if God lets us suffer the consequences of our selfish sinful ways?  

Some are saying that our rapidly increasing national debt will lead to bad results.  I do not mean this in a partisan way, as shows that the debt ceiling has increased under Democratic and GOP presidents, and under Democratic- and GOP-controlled congresses.  BOTH parties are responsible for the debt, and BOTH need to cooperate to manage and reduce it.  If you want to learn more about the US debt from a nonpartisan source, I recommend reading  Consequences of the rapidly increasing debt include slower economic growth, another downgrade in US bond credit rating, and doubts about solvency and inflation.  I believe that the rapidly increasing US debt will lead to a financial crisis in my lifetime. 

Sometimes Jeremiah 29:11 is cited as a reason for hoping that God will improve our condition, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   However, Jeremiah 29 was written when Israel was in exile for 70 years in Babylon, after the Babylonian army had destroyed and burned Jerusalem and the temple, and the Israelites were taken to Babylon as slaves.  In other words, that was AFTER God judged Israel, and was meant to give Israel hope and comfort while they were suffering as slaves in a foreign land.

Will God judge America?  If God let Israel suffer the consequences of their sin, why wouldn’t God let America suffer the same?  


  1. Thank you for your post. I enjoyed reading it. It is alot to think about however I have noticed that I stopped watching alot of tv because I feel powerless to our debt crisis. All I can do is keep working hard. I love living in America but I am not so arrogant to think that we can not crumble. I honestly have no idea what our representatives are doing at our nations capital but I am hoping and would like to believe that they are doing what is in the best interest of our people. Honestly...praying is the only way I really can deal with all the chaos and awful happenings in the world.

  2. Rebecca, I would agree with the term "debt crisis." Praying for our rep's in Wash, DC, and our state capitol is a great way to respond as a Christ-follower. I would also go back to the Wikipedia links and re-read them several times; I realize that it's a lot to digest and difficult because I still don't understand parts after re-reading it multiple times.

    Our rep's in Wash. are engaged in tight gridlock, and there are lobbyists for every part of the federal budget. Balancing the current year's budget isn't talked much anymore, and from what I've read, that's not even possible, at least in this era. The crisis stems from the debt increasing at historical levels in the last decade. The rate of increase has become alarming.

    I want to pray and reflect before suggesting more because I want to be fair to those who disagree with my political beliefs & biases. But please read/listen to the news.

  3. Here are a few steps from financial guru's like
    1. Save for & put $1000 in an emergency fund ($500 if your income is $25,000 or less.
    2. Pay off all credit cards, car loans, medical bills, & all debts (except for your home mortgage which would be for later).
    3. Increase your emergency fund to 2-3 months of living expenses. Keep part of your cash in a safe, secret place.
    4. Invest part of your monthly income (hopefully 15% or more) for your retirement, & do not take $$$ out of retirement fund for any reason.
    Note: Most find it easier to achieve these by tracking your monthly expenses & budgeting your monthly income.) I realize that these steps will be very hard for most us & will take years to accomplish.

    Based on what I've read about our nat'l debt & current trends, I believe that the rapidly increasing US debt will lead to a financial crisis worse than any since the 1930s Great Depression. Despite the good intentions of our govt officials, they/we have no previous experience in a situation like this; so no one truly knows with any certainty what will happen in the next 10-20 years.

    Rebecca, if u or any reader contacts me, I will try to offer help on how this may affect your specific situation.
