Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Honor the Stars and Stripes.

In Japan the emperor, while holding little real power, is viewed by many as the embodiment of the spirit fo their country.  The same is true in several other countries with figurehead monarchies.  But America was built on the idea that all its citizens are equal.  It would do for us to revere any single person.  So instead the United States are symbolized by a flag.  The 4th of July is a time to re-examine why we fly the flag with pride.

The colors red, white and blue are practically synonymous with patriotism, but it seems that few people remember what they represent.

Red brings to mind COURAGE.  We could all use more of that.  Too few people are willing to sacrifice of themselves, much less give their lives, for any cause, including standing up for America and trying to preserve our freedom and our reputation as a moral nation.  But many brave men and women have shed their blood so we could live in a free country and a safer world.

White stands for PURITY.  But there is very little of that left in the U.S. where ethics are viewed as relative and decency is viewed as out of date.  We’re told to be more “tolerant” of any lifestyle, even if it’s immoral or detrimental to society.

Blue has been used to represent great leaders and kings because it carries a sense of HONOR.  Many of our nation’s social problems are rooted in the fact that we fail to show honor where honor is due.  Children fail to show honor to their parents, and therefore reject the principles of past generations.  Leaders and role models refuse to treat their positions with respect and bring dishonor to themselves.  People of all walks of life decline to treat each other with dignity, and we end up with problems like racism and fanaticism. 

When we honor America as a land of freedom and equality, we should also show reverence to the national symbol.  The Stars and Stripes stand for the foundational principles of America and the American people, not the government which is constantly changing.  If you want to protest a government decision, go ahead but don’t desecrate our heritage by burning the flag.  Your freedom of speech should stop when you attack and undermine the source of freedom.

So when you see an American Flag flying this week, remember that it’s not just an ancient collection of shapes and colors flapping in the wind, but a reminder of the high price of freedom, and the responsibilities that freedom holds.  Anyone who truly cares about courage, purity and honor will salute the flag.

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